Terms and Conditions



1. Interpretation

2. Basis of the sale

3. Orders and specifications

4. Price of the goods

5. Terms of payment

6. Delivery

7. Risk and property

8. Warranties and liability

9. Indemnity

10. Insolvency of Buyer

11. Export terms

12. General

13. Website

14. Competitions

1. Interpretation

1.1. In these Conditions the following words shall have the following meanings:
“Buyer”: the person who accepts a quotation of the Seller for the sale of the Goods or whose order for the Goods is accepted by the Seller.

“Contamination/ Contaminated” means the occurrence or presence of Naturally Occurring Prohibited Substances in Horse Feed or Related Products;

“Goods”: the goods (including any instalment of the goods) and further including the Horse Feed and the Related Products which the Seller is to supply in accordance with these Conditions

“Horse Feed”: the foodstuffs which are designed to be consumed by horses and which are sold by the Seller;

“Naturally Occurring Prohibited Substances”: such substances as can be found in Horse Feed or Related Products that are identified and listed as a prohibited substance in the AIC’s UFAS scheme appendix relating to Naturally Occurring Prohibited Substances which is supplied to the British Horse Racing Authority (BHA) and the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) by the British Equestrian Trade Association;

“Related Products”: goods other than Horse Feed which are sold by the Seller and which include (i) products designed to be consumed by horses, animals and birds and/or absorbed into a horse’s, animal’s or bird’s bloodstream as applicable, including but not limited to food supplements and (ii) products used for the bedding of animals and birds;

“Seller”: whichever of Dengie Crops Limited, Dengie Crop Driers Limited, East Essex Grain Marketing Limited, East Essex Grain Store Limited, or East Essex Farmers Limited contracts with the Buyer on the terms of these Conditions;

“Seller’s Premises”: the Seller works at Hall Road, Asheldham, Southminster, Essex or such other premises as the Seller may from time to time specify as being the place where delivery of the Goods is to be effected.

“Conditions”: the standard terms and conditions of sale set out in this document and (unless the context otherwise requires) includes any special terms and conditions agreed in writing between the Buyer and Seller.

“Contract”: the contract for the purchase and sale of the Goods.

1.2. The word “Writing” includes telex, cable, facsimile transmission, email and comparable means of communication.

1.3. Any reference in these Conditions to any provision of a statute shall be construed as a reference to that provision as amended, re-enacted or extended at the relevant time.

1.4. The headings in these Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

2. Basis of sale

2.1. The Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the Goods in accordance with any quotation of the Seller (whether oral or in writing) which is accepted by the Buyer, or any order of the Buyer (whether oral or in writing) which is accepted by the Seller, subject in either case to these Conditions, which shall govern the Contract to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions subject to which any such quotation is accepted or purported to be accepted, or any such order is made or purported to be made, by the buyer.

2.2. No variation to these Conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing between the authorised representatives of the Buyer and the Seller.

2.3. The Seller’s employees or agents are not authorised to make any representations concerning the Goods unless confirmed by the Seller in writing. In entering into the Contract the Buyer acknowledges that it does not rely on, and waives any claim for breach of, any such representations which are not so confirmed.

2.4. Any advice or recommendation given by the Seller or its employees or agents to the Buyer or its employees or agents as to the storage, application or use of the Goods which is not confirmed in writing by the Seller is followed or acted upon entirely at the Buyer’s own risk, and accordingly the Seller shall not be liable for any such advice or recommendation which is not so confirmed.

2.5. Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any sales literature, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, invoice or other document or information issued by the Seller shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of the Seller.

3. Orders and specifications

3.1. No order submitted by the Buyer shall be deemed to be accepted by the Seller unless and until acceptance is given either orally or in writing by an authorised representative of the Seller.

3.2. The Buyer shall be responsible to the Seller for ensuring the accuracy of the terms of any order submitted by the Buyer, and for giving the Seller any necessary information relating to the Goods within a sufficient time to enable the Seller to perform the Contract in accordance with its terms.

3.3. The quantity, quality and description of and any specification for the Goods shall be those set out in the Seller’s quotation (if accepted by the Buyer) or the Buyer’s order (if accepted by the Seller).

3.4. The Seller reserves the right to make any changes in the specification of the Goods which are required to conform with any applicable statutory or EC requirements.

3.5. No order which has been accepted by the Seller may be cancelled by the Buyer except with the agreement in writing of the Seller and on terms that the Buyer shall indemnify the Seller in full against all loss (including loss of profit), costs (including the cost of all labour and materials used), damages, charges and expenses incurred by the Seller as a result of cancellation.

4. Price of the goods

4.1. The price of the Goods shall be the Seller’s quoted price or, where no price has been quoted (or a quoted price is no longer valid), the price listed in the Seller’s published price list current at the date of acceptance of the order. Where the Goods are supplied for export from the United Kingdom, the Seller’s published export price list shall apply. All prices quoted are valid for 30 days only or until earlier acceptance by the Buyer, after which time they may be altered by the Seller without giving notice to the Buyer.

4.2. Except as otherwise stated under the terms of any quotation or in any price list of the Seller, and unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Buyer and the Seller, all prices are given by the Seller on an ex works basis, and where the Seller agrees to deliver the Goods otherwise than at the Seller’s Premises, the Buyer shall be liable to pay the Seller’s charges for transport, packaging and insurance.

4.3. The price is exclusive of any applicable value added tax, which the Buyer shall be additionally liable to pay to the Seller at the prevailing rate at the time of the Seller’s quotation or application of the Seller’s price list as appropriate pursuant to clause 4.2 if accepted by the Byer or the Buyer’s order (if accepted by the Seller).

4.4 The cost of pallets and returnable containers is included in the Seller’s quoted price for the Goods ordered. For each undamaged pallet returned to the Seller by the Buyer a payment of £3.00 shall be made by the Seller to the Buyer.

5. Terms of payment

5.1. Subject to any special terms agreed in writing between the Buyer and the Seller, the Seller shall be entitled to invoice the Buyer for the price of the Goods on or at any time after delivery of the Goods, unless the Goods are to be collected by the Buyer or the Buyer wrongfully fails to take delivery of the Goods, in which event the Seller shall be entitled to invoice the Buyer for the price at any time after the Seller has notified the Buyer that the Goods are ready for collection or (as the case may be) the Seller has tendered delivery of the goods.

5.2. Subject to any special terms agreed in writing between the Buyer and the Seller, the Buyer shall pay the price of the Goods (less any discount to which the Buyer is entitled, but without any other deduction) within 28 days of the date of the Seller’s invoice, notwithstanding that delivery may not have taken place and the property in the Goods has not passed to the Buyer. The time of payment of the price shall be of the essence of the Contract. Receipts for payment will be issued only upon request.

5.3. If the Buyer fails to make any payment on the due date then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Seller, the Seller shall be entitled to:

5.3.1. cancel the contract or suspend any further deliveries to the Buyer;

5.3.2. appropriate any payment made by the Buyer to such of the Goods (or the goods supplied under any other contract between the Buyer and the Seller) as the Seller may think fit (notwithstanding any purported appropriation by the Buyer); and

5.3.3. charge the Buyer interest (both before and after any judgment) on the amount unpaid, at the rate of 3 per cent per annum over the base rate from time to time of HSBC Bank plc , until payment in full is made (a part of a month being treated as a full month for the purpose of calculating interest).

6. Delivery

6.1. Delivery of the Goods shall be made by the Buyer collecting the Goods at the Seller’s Premises at any time during the Seller’s working hours of 7:30am to 4pm Monday to Friday after the Seller has notified the Buyer that the Goods are ready for collection or, if some other place for delivery is agreed by the Seller, by the Seller delivering the Goods to that place.

6.2. The timescale for delivery by the Seller shall depend upon the availability of the Goods and any dates quoted for delivery of the Goods are approximate only. The Seller shall not be liable for any delay in delivery of the Goods howsoever caused. Time for delivery shall not be of the essence unless previously agreed by the Seller in writing. The Goods may be delivered by the Seller in advance of the quoted delivery date upon giving reasonable notice to the Buyer.

6.3. Where delivery of the goods is to be made by the Seller in bulk, the Seller reserves the right to deliver up to 5 per cent more or 5 per cent less than the quantity ordered and the quantity so delivered shall be deemed to be the quantity ordered. The price for the quantity so delivered will be adjusted in proportion to the price of the quantity ordered.

6.4. Where the Goods are to be delivered in instalments, each delivery shall constitute a separate contract and failure by the Seller to deliver any one or more of the instalments in accordance with these Conditions or any claim by the Buyer in respect of any one or more instalments shall not entitle the Buyer to treat the Contract as a whole as repudiated.

6.5. If the Seller fails to deliver the Goods for any reason other than any cause beyond the Seller’s reasonable control or the Buyer’s fault, and the Seller is accordingly liable to the Buyer, the Seller’s liability shall be limited to the excess (if any) of the cost to the Buyer (in the cheapest available market) of similar goods to replace those not delivered over the price of the Goods.

6.6. If the Buyer fails to take delivery of the goods or fails to give the Seller adequate delivery instructions at the time stated for delivery (otherwise than by reason of any cause beyond the Buyer’s reasonable control or by reason of the Seller’s fault) then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Seller, the Seller may:

6.6.1. store the Goods until actual delivery and charge the Buyer for the reasonable costs (including insurance) of storage; or

6.6.2. sell the Goods at the best price readily obtainable and (after deducting all reasonable storage and selling expenses) account to the Buyer for any excess over the price under the Contract or charge the Buyer for any shortfall below the price under the Contract.

7. Risk and property

7.1. Risk of damage to or loss of the Goods shall pass to the Buyer:

7.1.1. in the case of Goods to be delivered at the Seller’s Premises, at the time when the Seller notifies the Buyer that the Goods are available for collection; or

7.1.2. in the case of Goods to be delivered otherwise than at the Seller’s Premises at the time of delivery or, if the Buyer wrongfully fails to take delivery of the Goods, the time when the Seller has tendered delivery of the Goods.

7.2. Notwithstanding delivery and the passing of risk in the Goods, or any other provision of these Conditions, the property in the Goods shall not pass to the Buyer until the Seller has received in cash or cleared funds payment in full of the price of the Goods and all other goods agreed to be sold by the Seller to the Buyer for which payment is then due.

7.3. Until such time as the property in the Goods passes to the Buyer, the Buyer shall hold the Goods as the Seller’s fiduciary agent and bailee, and shall keep the Goods separate from those of the Buyer and third parties and properly stored, protected and insured and identified as the Seller’s property. Until the time that the title to the Goods passes to the Buyer the Buyer shall be entitled to resell or use the Goods in the ordinary course of its business, but shall account to the Seller for the proceeds of sale or otherwise of the Goods, whether tangible or intangible, including insurance proceeds, and shall keep all such proceeds separate from any moneys or property of the Buyer and third parties and, in the case of tangible proceeds, properly stored, protected and insured.

7.4. Until such time as the property in the Goods passes to the Buyer (and provided the Goods are still in existence and have not been resold), the Seller shall be entitled at any time to require the Buyer to deliver up the Goods to the Seller and, if the Buyer fails to do so forthwith, to enter upon any premises of the Buyer or any third party where the Goods are stored and repossess the Goods.

7.5. All goods manufactured or supplied by the Seller and bearing the Seller’s name or mark or contained in packaging bearing the Seller’s name or mark which are in the Buyer’s possession, custody or control at the time when the right of the Seller to repossession arises shall be deemed to be goods supplied by the Seller to the Buyer in which property has not passed to the Buyer unless the contrary is proved.

7.6. The Buyer shall not be entitled to pledge or in any way charge by way of security for any indebtedness any of the Goods which remain the property of the Seller, but if the Buyer does so all moneys owing by the Buyer to the Seller shall (without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Seller) forthwith become due and payable.

8. Warranties and liability

8.1. The Seller warrants that the Goods will correspond with their specification and be of satisfactory quality at the time of delivery.

8.2. Subject as expressly provided in these Conditions, and except where the Goods are sold to a person dealing as a consumer (within the meaning of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977), all warranties, conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

8.3. Where the Goods are sold under a consumer transaction (as defined by the Consumer Transactions (Restrictions on Statements) Order 1976) the statutory rights of the Buyer are not affected by these Conditions.

8.4. Any claim by the Buyer which is based on any defect in the quality or condition of the Goods or their failure to correspond with specification shall (whether or not delivery is refused by the Buyer) be notified to the Seller within 7 days from the date of delivery or (where the defect or failure was not apparent on reasonable inspection) within two working days after discovery of the defect or failure. If delivery is not refused, and the Buyer does not notify the Seller accordingly, the Buyer shall not be entitled to reject the Goods and the Seller shall have no liability for such defect or failure, and the Buyer shall be bound to pay the price as if the Goods had been delivered in accordance with the Contract.

8.5. Where any valid claim in respect of any of the Goods which is based on any defect in the quality or condition of the Goods or their failure to meet specification is notified to the Seller in accordance with these Conditions, the Seller shall be entitled to replace the Goods (or the part in question) free of charge or, at the Seller’s discretion, refund to the Buyer the price of the goods (or a proportionate part of the price), but the Seller shall have no further liability to the Buyer.

8.6. Except in respect of death or personal injury to any person caused by the Seller’s negligence, the Seller shall not be liable to the Buyer by reason of any representation, or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of the Contract, for any consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise), costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (and whether caused by the negligence of the Seller, its employees or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the supply of the Goods or their use or resale by the Buyer, except as expressly provided in these Conditions and in particular as provided for in condition 8.7.

8.7. Where Horse Feed is, or as the case may be, Related Products are proven to be Contaminated and the Buyer can show that direct and consequential loss as set out in condition 8.8 as a direct result of the Contamination, the Seller agrees to accept liability for those losses unless such Contamination is callused by the deliberate, wilful; or negligent acts or omissions of any third party.

8.8. Pursuant to condition 8.7 if the Seller is found to be liable for the Contamination the Seller hereby agrees to:
(i) reimburse to the Buyer the purchase price of the Horse Feed and/or Related Product;
(ii) pay to the Buyer the pre-estimate of lost winnings prescribed and published by the BETA Feed Committee (BETA) from time to time. The Buyer is put on express notice that the level of damages for loss of prize money set by BETA is based upon an evaluation of likely loss that would result from Contamination in a wide spectrum of equestrian competitions. The level of damages is a genuine pre-estimate of the average likely loss of prize money. This amount may be insufficient to cover the prize money of a classic race or high profile equestrian event;
(iii) damages for personal injury or death that is caused by the Contamination provided that the Contamination was caused solely by the negligence of the Seller.

8.9. The Seller shall not pay for any other consequential or economic loss suffered by the Buyer arising from the Contamination other than as set out at condition 8.8 and therefore the amount of damages paid by the Seller may not be sufficient to cover the loss of prize money of a classic race or high profile equestrian event and therefore the Buyer is advised to seek appropriate insurance cover if the Buyer is concerned about being exposed to a risk of loss.

8.10. The Seller shall not be liable to the Buyer or be deemed to be in breach of the Contract by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform, any of the Seller’s obligations in relation to the Goods, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond the Seller’s reasonable control. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial actions or trade disputes (whether involving employees of the Seller or of a third party) shall be regarded as causes beyond the Seller’s reasonable control.

9. Indemnity

9.1. If any claim is made against the Buyer that the Goods infringe or that their use or resale infringes the patent, copyright, design, trademark or other industrial or intellectual property rights of any other person, the Seller shall indemnify the Buyer against all loss, damages, costs and expenses awarded against or incurred by the Buyer in connection with the claim, or paid or agreed to be paid by the Buyer in settlement of the claim, provided that:

9.1.1. the Seller is given full control of any proceedings or negotiations in connection with any such claim;

9.1.2. the Buyer shall give the Seller all reasonable assistance for the purposes of any such proceedings or negotiations;

9.1.3. except pursuant to a final award, the Buyer shall not pay or accept any such claim, or compromise any such proceedings without the consent of the Seller (which shall not be unreasonably withheld);

9.1.4. the Buyer shall do nothing which would or might vitiate any policy of insurance or insurance cover which the Buyer may have in relation to such infringement, and this indemnity shall not apply to the extent that the Buyer recovers any sums under any such policy or cover (which the Buyer shall use its best endeavours to do);

9.1.5. the Seller shall be entitled to the benefit of, and the Buyer shall accordingly account to the Seller for, all damages and costs (if any) awarded in favour of the Buyer which are payable by or agreed with the consent of the Buyer (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) to be paid by any other part in respect of any such claim; and

9.1.6. without prejudice to any duty of the Buyer at common law, the Seller shall be entitled to require the Buyer to take such steps as the Seller may reasonably require to mitigate or reduce any such loss, damages, costs or expenses for which the Seller is liable to indemnify the Buyer under this clause.

10. Insolvency of Buyer

10.1. This clause applies if the Buyer becomes insolvent, which expression shall include any of the following if:

10.1.1. the Buyer making any voluntary arrangement with its creditors or becomes subject to an administration order or (being an individual or firm) becoming bankrupt or (being a company) going into liquidation (otherwise than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction); or

10.1.2. an encumbrancer taking possession, or a receiver being appointed, of any of the property or assets of the Buyer; or

10.1.3. the Buyer ceasing, or threatening to cease, to carry on business; or

10.1.4. the Seller reasonably apprehending that any of the events mentioned above is about to occur in relation to the Buyer and notifying the Buyer accordingly.

10.2. If this clause applies then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Seller, the Seller shall be entitled to cancel the Contract or suspend any further deliveries under the Contract without any liability to the Buyer, and if the Goods have been delivered but not paid for the price shall become immediately due and payable notwithstanding any previous agreement or arrangement to the contrary.

11. Export Terms

11.1. Where the Goods are supplied for export from the United Kingdom, the provisions of this clause 11 shall (subject to any special terms agreed in writing between the Buyer and the Seller) apply notwithstanding any other provisions of these Conditions.

11.2. The Buyer shall be responsible for complying with any legislation or regulations governing the importation of the Goods into the country of destination and for the payment of any duties thereon.

11.3. The payment period of 28 days referred to in clause 5.2 shall be applicable to Goods supplied for export unless alternative payment terms have been agreed in writing.

12. General

12.1. Any notice required or permitted to be given by either party to the other under the these Conditions shall be in writing addressed to that other party at its registered office or principal place of business or other address as may at the relevant time have been notified pursuant to this provision to the party giving the notice.

12.2. These Conditions apply to the Contract to the exclusion of any terms that you seek to impose or incorporate or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.

12.3. The Buyer acknowledges and accepts that it has not relied on any statement, promise, representation, assurance or warranty made or given by The Seller or on the Seller’s behalf which is not set out in these Conditions.

12.4. The Buyer will be advised of changes to these Conditions in writing to the postal address or email address that has been provided to the Seller no later than one week before the date on which the proposed changes are to take effect. Such notice shall include the actual date that the proposed changes to the Conditions are to come into force. You will be deemed to accept these changes unless you notify us in writing otherwise prior to the proposed changes are in force.

12.5. If a court decides that any part of these Conditions cannot be enforced, that particular part of these Conditions will not apply, but the rest of the Conditions will. A waiver by a party not in breach of the same or any other provisions shall not be deemed to be a continuing waiver or waivers of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provisions.

12.6. Failure or delay in exercising any right under these Conditions shall not prevent the exercise of that or any other right.

12.7. The Buyer may not assign or transfer any benefit, interest of obligations under these Contracts.

12.8. The provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Thirds Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to these Terms.

12.9. Where there is a dispute arising out of or in connection with conditions 8.7, 8.8 and 8.9, any such dispute shall be refereed and resolved by way of arbitration proceedings.

12.10. Any arbitration proceedings as referred to in condition 12.9 shall be heard by a sole arbitrator to be agreed upon and appointed jointly by the Buyer and the Seller. In the absence of agreement between the Buyer and the Seller within fourteen days as to the choice of the arbitrator then the arbitrator will be chosen by the then President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators upon application in writing by either of the Buyer or the Seller.

12.11. The seat of the arbitration proceedings shall be London unless the Buyer and the Seller agree otherwise in writing.

12.12. These Conditions and their subject matter and formation (including any non-contractual dispute or claim) are governed by laws of England.

12.13. Subject to conditions 12.9, 12.10 and 12.11 the Seller and the Buyer irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Contract or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

13. Website

Use of this web site is subject to the following terms and conditions. By using the web site you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions.

13.1. This web site is owned and operated by Dengie Crops Limited, Howells Farm, Maypole Road, Maldon, Essex CM9 4SY. Registered in England and Wales. Company Reg. No. 2328408, VAT No. GB529354725. Registered office: Hall Road, Asheldham, Southminster, Essex, CM0 7JF.

13.2. The rights in the design, pictures, logos, photographs and content of this web site are owned by or licensed to Dengie Crops Limited. They are protected by copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights. You may not copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, republish, display, post or transmit any part of this web site, except where expressly granted. You may view or print individual pages only for your own personal use.

13.3. You agree and acknowledge that the information and views contained anywhere on the web site shall not in any way constitute professional advice relevant to your specific requirements and that any advice or information you may receive through the web site is in no way a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs.

13.4. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Dengie Crops Limited against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, expenses or costs incurred or suffered and any claim or legal proceedings brought or threatened arising out of your use of the web site.

13.5. Any details that you provide to us which enables us to identify you are held and processed in accordance with our privacy policy.

13.6. Contributing content to Dengie Crops Limited

13.6.1. By sharing any contribution (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) with Dengie Crops Limited you agree to grant to Dengie Crops Limited, free of charge, a licence, or permission, to use the material in any way it wants (including modifying and adapting it for editorial reasons) in any media worldwide.

13.6.2. Copyright in your contribution will remain with you. Further, the rights granted to Dengie Crops Limited to use your contribution are non-exclusive which means that you can continue to use your content as you like including the ability to allow others to use it.

13.6.3. When you submit content to Dengie Crops Limited, you must only submit your own original content or if your content does contain the work(s) of others (e.g. music, images and/or video) you must have obtained the necessary rights or permissions to use that material.

13.6.4. If your content clearly identifies anyone else you will need to ensure that they have consented to the content being used by Dengie Crops Limited. Where your content clearly identifies children under the age of 16 you must ensure that their parent or guardian has provided consent.

13.6.5. You must not submit or share any content that is defamatory, offensive or unlawful in any way. Any inappropriate content will be rejected or removed by Dengie Crops Limited.

13.6.6. Dengie Crops Limited may need to contact you for administrative purposes in relation to your contribution and/or to obtain further information about your contribution. If we are unable to contact you we may be unable to use your content. Please see our privacy policy.

13.6.7. Dengie Crops Limited will only keep your content for as long as is reasonably required for the purpose(s) for which it was submitted.

13.7. Dengie Crops Limited is not liable for any damages or losses resulting from your inability to use this web site.Dengie Crops Limited cannot promise that the web site will be uninterrupted or entirely error free. The web site is provided on an “as available” basis. Dengie Crops Limited will not be responsible to you if we are unable to provide the web site for any reason beyond our control.

13.8. The web site may contain links to other web sites not owned or operated by us. Dengie Crops Limited makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information or opinions contained in these web sites and any link to another web site shall in no way be construed as an endorsement of the web site by Dengie Crops Limited. Links are provided for convenience only.

13.9. Dengie Crops Limited may change the web site or these terms and conditions at any time. If you use the web site after such changes you will be bound by the new terms and conditions.

13.10. These terms and conditions and your use of this web site are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and any disputes will be decided only by the Courts of England and Wales. Your statutory rights are not affected by these terms and conditions.

14. Competitions

14.1. Competition details form part of those terms and conditions

14.2. By submitting an entry to this contest, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of Dengie Crops Ltd, and that you satisfy all eligibility requirements.

14.3. Contest governed by U.K. law.

14.4. Contest is subject to all applicable local laws and regulations.

14.5. No purchase necessary to enter or win. A purchase will not improve your chances of winning.

14.6. Entry is open to residents of the UK except employees (and their families) of Dengie Crops Ltd, the suppliers of the prizes and any other companies associated with the competitions.

14.7. The entrant(s) must be aged 18 or over.

14.8. Proof of identity and age may be required.

14.9. Use of a false name or address will result in disqualification.

14.10. All entries must be made directly by the person entering the competition.

14.11. Entries made online using methods generated by a script, macro or the use of automated devices will be void.

14.12. No responsibility can be accepted for entries lost, delayed or corrupted, or due to computer error in transit.

14.13. The prizes are as stated, are not transferable to another individual and no cash or other alternatives will be offered.

14.14. The winner(s) is(are) responsible for expenses and arrangements not specifically included in the prizes, including any necessary travel documents, passports and visas. Prizes are subject to availability and the prize suppliers’ terms and conditions.

14.15. The promoters reserve the right to amend or alter the terms of competitions and reject entries from entrants not entering into the spirit of the competition.

14.16. In the event of a prize being unavailable, the promoter reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value.

14.17. The winner(s) agree(s) to use of their name, photograph and disclosure of county of residence and will co-operate with any other reasonable requests by Dengie Crops Ltd relating to any post-winning publicity. We will not pass your informatoin onto third parties.

14.18. Any information collected is used to select a winner of the contest and is not shared with or sold to other organizations except under the following circumstances: It is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action, regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of Terms of Service, or as otherwise required by law.

14.19. Unless stated otherwise the winner(s) will be drawn at random from all correct entries received by the closing date stated within the promotional material.

14.20. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact the winner(s). If the winner(s) cannot be contacted, or are unable to comply with these terms and conditions, the Promoter reserves the right to offer the prize to the next eligible entrant drawn at random, or in the event that the promotion is being judged the Promoter reserves the right to offer the prize to the runner(s)-up selected by the same judges.

14.21. Confirmation of the prize will also be made in writing to the winner(s).

14.22. Failure to respond and/or provide an address for delivery, or failure to meet the eligibility requirements may result in forfeiture of the prize.

14.23. Where applicable, the decision of the judges is final based on criteria set out in the promotion and no correspondence will be entered into over this decision. Competitions may be modified or withdrawn at any time.

14.24. The provider of the prize is specified within the promotional material.

14.25. The Promoter is Dengie Crops Ltd, Hall Road, Asheldham, Southminster, Essex, CM0 7JF.

14.26. In the event of a discrepancy between these standard terms and conditions and the details in the promotional material (or any other terms and conditions provided/referred to at the time of entry). the details of the promotional material (and any other terms and conditions provided/referred to at the time of entry) shall prevail.

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